sandi irawan Apps

Evan The Adventure 1.0
sandi irawan
terinspirasi dari game-game sejenis sepertisimadun, tendangan halilintar, tsubasa, the last kickers,thekickers, maka dibuatlah game evan keliling dunia.karenaantusiasnya serta didorong dengan keinginan yang kuat makaevanberhasil sampai ke barcelona.mau tau kisah perjalanannya....silahkan downloaddanmainkan...rasakan sensasi dan keseruannya.inspired by similargameslike the Madun, kick thunderbolt, tsubasa, the last kickers,thekickers, then made evan game around the world. for enthusiasticandmotivated with a strong desire then evan managed to gettobarcelona.want to know the story of his journey .... please download andplay... feel the sensation and have fun.